We all know of the ASDER keyboard, which many of us have been wanting to get for years, because of
it's weird built-in games. Well there's another of these keyboard-and-famicom in one's on the market.
It's called Gold Leopard King and very similar to the ASDER.
The Gold Leopard King, aka GLK-2003, has the same size as a normal PC keyboard, but
feels very cheap made. On the back of the keyboard there's connectors for
the powersupply and RF cable, plus a 25pin connector for a printer. On the right
side there are two joypad ports.
It comes with two psx-look-alike joypads and a lightgun looking like the
PSX Lethal Enforces gun. The GLK-2003 is the first famicom clone I've seen
which included a very specified manual. It's a 20 page manual which ofcourse
tells you how to install the unit, troubleshooting and then a short
description of the games on the 32-in-1 cartridge which comes with the
unit. There's a quite funny note on the last page which goes like this "Note: Our
company has power to improve the software and hard of the produit, so dont
imforming again.", typos etc makes this totally insane, what I think they ment
to say is that they reserve the right to change the software without
informing anyone about it.
Now the software, it comes with a 32-in-1 which almost carries nothing
but legal software, except a few which are: Bomberman, Machrider, F1 Race, Macross, Circus Charlie,
Urban Champion, Russian Block (Tengen Tetris), Mappy, Five Chess (?), Star Force, Dr. Mario,
and Duck Hunt.
The 1st "game" on the cart is a Keyboard Exercise which I havent quite
figured out yet. 2: English Editor, looks a lot like the old WP 5.1 for DOS
(you can print out what you've typed in, but cant save). 3: Finger Game, increase
your typing speed, quite fun actually. 4: Music Board, hard as hell to make
a decent tune. 5: Messageboard, hmmm?. 6: Calculator board, uh a calculator.
7: G-Basic, make your own Famicom game (includes GFX tool). 8: F-Basic,
same as no. 7, I think. 9: English Test, fill in missing words in a sentense.
10: Music Keyboard, wooooo a cheap version of the Miracle Keyboard (heh).
11: Make 24, some card game. 12: Typing School 1, well? type! 13: Typing School 2, bah!.
14: Typing School 3, doh!. 15: Concert, looks like the Soundblaster Windows CD-Player, plays
pre-made tunes (14 in all). 16: Puzzle, a lot like AVE's Puzzle game. 17: Maths Game, I *hate* math!.
18: Logo. actually this is Dr. Mario. 19 - 30: pirate games as listed above. 31: Multiple Faces,
draw faces with premade mouths, eyes, noses etc, boring!. 32: Architece, same as 31, but you're
making houses instead (wow!).
You cannot use the multicart on a normal clone as you use the keyboard to chose game on the menu,
you're unable to scroll up/down with the joypad.