Our local manga/anime/import console shop had a special offer: If you buy
3 NES or Famicom games or more, you'll get a Famicom clone for free. Of
course I had to go there and get one. I bought 3 NES Games, Tetris
(Nintendo), Super Mario 2, and Donkey Kong Classics, and I got the Samurai
Compact Player for free.
Well, what should I say? It's a generic Famicom clone in a nice design, a
bit Mega Drive 2-ish but also something totally different. The build
quality of the console is very good, this one is as robust as a "real"
licensed console.
The unit is PAL and takes 60 Pin FC carts. It has no games built-in, but
comes with a "9999999 in 1" cartridge, described later.
The console is based on the NES-on-a-chip, but which NES clone today
isn't? The PPU has a little fault: the color "pink" is only displayed every
second line.
The controllers are PS1-like, but with 6 buttons. The A and B buttons are
in the opposite order of real NES controllers, that means, not B, A, but
A, B. So in Mario you jump with the first button and fire with the second.
It's a little annoying at start but you get used to it. The "C" button is
like pressing A and B together, the X button is A rapid fire, the Y button
is B rapid fire and the Z button is C rapid fire.
You also get a fairly big lightgun, looks like a very big revolver and has
"Lethal Weapon" embossed. It fires very bad, I used the light gun of my
other NES clone for Duck Hunt as this one is very good for a pirate