Here's another adapter, or converter if you wish, which will allow you to play American N64 games on a European N64 console, or vice versa. The adapter has room for two games, one obviously the American game you'd
like to play which goes into the slot marked "Playing Game Pak" and then a European game in the "Booting Game Pak" slot.
What it does it that it grabs the lockout chip info from the European game to be able to boot (start) the American game. If your TV is a 100Hz you won't have any problems with most games, but if you're using an older
TV you may experience som flickering as the video signal is NTSC. Super Mario 64 is capable of running in PAL mode, with slightly garbled sound, Clayfighter 63 1/3 (Sculptor's Cut) runs flawlessly on a PAL console
with PAL output and then there are games like Mario Party 3 which just gives a black screen, Finally there are games like Star Wars Episode 1 Racer which has a video detection routine which disallows the game to be
run on PAL console.

Here's a list of games I've tested with the adapter.
Indiana Jones and the Infernal Machine | USA | Black screen |
Mario Party 2 | USA | Black screen |
Mario Party 3 | USA | Black screen |
Super Mario 64 | JPN | Works (PAL output), but garbled sound |
Clay Fighter 63 1/3: Sculptor's Cut | USA | Works (PAL output) |
Star Wars Episode 1 Racer | USA | PAL Blocking |
Sim City 2000 | JPN | PAL Blocking |
Golden Nugget | USA | Works (NTSC output) |
Micro Machines 64 | USA | Works (NTSC output) |
International Track & Field 2000 | USA | PAL Blocking |
Bass Hunter 64 | USA | Doesn't boot |
Ready 2 Rumble Boxing Round 2 | USA | Black screen |
WCW Mayhem | USA | Black screen |
Jeopardy! | USA | Works (NTSC output) |
Transformers Beast Wars Transmetals | USA | Black screen |
Maybe I just picked the wrong batch of games to test, but I'd say the compatibility isn't impressive.

So I'd say that the promise made on the back of the box isn't exactly true, but then again - no promises are made about how many games actually work. A funny thing about the box is that it says "N64 compatible" so
uhh yeah I bought an N64 adapter that's N64 compatible? AWESOME!
